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Slickguns New Site & Alternative Online Gun Deal Locations

If you’re here, you’re probably looking for Slickguns or trying to find the best deal on a gun. On the Internet, almost all things are possible. We’re going to help you find the gun deal artist formerly known as Slickguns, and give you some killer alternatives too. If you continue scrolling, hopefully we can help you find a sick deal on the firearm you’re hoping to purchase.

Use the menu below to navigate this article to see exactly what you’re looking for.

Did Something Happened to Slickguns?

Slickguns Logo Old

Slickguns re-branded to so that users would have an easier time remembering where to find them. Never fear though, with the re-branding they changed almost nothing about the actual functionality of their site.

You can still find user-generated deals from around the internet, price-per-round ammo deals, and view the voting system and comments from other users. Oh, also you can now select particular items and add them to your watch list. Once the deal is on your watch list, the new and improved web page will send you updates to inform you of any changes on the item you are watching.

How Do I Find Them Now?

Slickguns New Site Logo

This is the best part of the re-branding from Slickguns. You can find their new web site simply by typing into your browser. Here’s a link to make your life easier.

Other Alternatives for Finding Gun Deals Online.

If the artist formerly known as Slickguns doesn’t have what you’re looking for, don’t worry. This is the internet my friend, and you can find a deal for anything anywhere if you spend the time searching.

If doesn’t have exactly what we’re looking for, these are the go-to places that you need to check next. Now, you might not find exactly what you’re looking for, but patience is a virtue that you need to succeed here.

Gun Deals on Reddit.

Slickguns Alternative Reddit Gun Deals

Reddit. Are you surprised that we would mention Reddit here?

I hope not, because even though Reddit is an inherently non-firearms friendly place, there are still some bastions of freedom left there. If you’re not familiar with Reddit’s sub-forum for gun deals, let me break it down shotgun style for you.

A user finds a deal that they want to share with the community somewhere on the internet. It doesn’t matter where they found that deal, or what that deal is for. If it’s firearm related, they can go to the sub-forum of Reddit for posting firearms deals and post it. Users then can up-vote or down-vote the contents of that deal based on their individual experiences with the dealer or firearm in question.

This crowd-sourcing of information leads to the best deals circulating to the top of the sub-forum, while the worst dealers and deals are then cycled down into oblivion. Check it out, it’s a pretty great way to find what you’re looking for. Just make sure the date’s are relevant before you head off to the deal. Sometimes you’ll get expired deals or giveaways there.

Gun Deals on Calguns Deals.

Slickguns Alternative Calguns

This sub-forum on the Calguns forum is another one of the internet’s gun deal hot-spots. Anyone who is in the market for firearms often knows to check here before they make a final purchase. You can get a ton of really solid information that has been crowd-sourced on Calguns.

If you’ve never been on a gun deals forum before and you absolutely cannot stand the idea of giving Reddit your information, we highly recommend you go and check out Calguns.

Gun Deals on BigDaddyUnlimited.

Slickguns Big Daddy Unlimited Navigation

BigDaddyUnlimited is an online dealership that charges a subscription fee each month to access their deals. For many, the subscription itself warrants a pass on using the platform. For us, the subscription model actually works out quite well because of the time we save searching for deals elsewhere on the internet.

You won’t always find the item you’re looking for at the absolute lowest price on BigDaddyUnlimited, but you will always find the exact item you are looking for at a steep discount compared to other locations. When we make purchases on BigDaddyUnlimited, we’re generally making that purchase in a hurry when we don’t have the hours to do the research.

If you make a lot of firearms related purchases each month, you need to save yourself some time and give BigDaddyUnlimited a look. Your first month only costs $.99, so you don’t have much to lose just giving it a look.

Here’s a video review of the platform from Sootch00.

Gun Deals on Primary Arms.

Alright, so Primary Arms is technically not just a bunch of great deals all in one place. That said, they have a ton of items listed on their store and you can generally find some pretty amazing deals there. It doesn’t really matter what you’re looking for, you can probably find it on sale through the Primary Arms web store at some point in time. You just have to follow these steps.

Go ahead and add this link to your bookmarks, and whenever you are searching for a deal give it a click and see what they have on sale or clearance. We like to check with them once a week just to see if they have anything we need on sale. They usually do.

Bonus points to Primary Arms on this one. If you’re in the military or a law enforcement official, you automatically get a really good discount on their store. You can check out our full review of their web store here. You have to do a bit of extra leg work to get the discount, but it’s totally worth it in the end.

Saved Rounds for Online Firearms Deals.

We’re on the Internet here so let’s be real. Firearm deals are everywhere as long as you spend the time to look. Gun.Deals, or the artist formerly known as Slickguns, will get you off on the right path for your search. If you can’t find what you’re looking for there, we’ve given you some really solid options to continue your search. Be patient my friend. Good things come to those who wait.

With anything online however, everything get’s better when we work together. I’m just one blogger with some opinions sharing my experience in making online purchases. Together we are many, so let us know down in the comments section where you go to find your deals. We’re asking for your secret fishing spot, promise.

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Sherri Newcomb
Sherri Newcomb
3 years ago

Thanks for your help. I’m having a neck of a time finding a pistol here in TX. I took my son my 9mm to CA, shortage there is worst. Not knowing how hard it would be to replace. I even have an old Mauzer from 1910 I would trade. Its been cleaned & new spring kit but I’m a Sr citizen losing alot of my grip power is not a self defense gun for me. I’m excited to look at your web pgs you suggest. I did already look at Primary Guns & like many other places has just 2 guns.
So my hunt continues…maybe I’ll get my gun found for my own Christmas. I’m seriously thinking of going back to a revolver. Had a Colt 38special that got stolen & I think there’s less chance for error with my stiff elderly fingers. Thanks again.

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